Professional Soft Washing & Paver Sealing Services
Destin, Florida | Fort Walton Beach, Florida | (850) 244-9274 (WASH)
Power Wash vs. Soft Wash
What's The Difference?
When people hear "soft wash" they often think of a car was, but soft wash is simply a term used to describe an alternative to a pressure washing or power washing system that uses a lower pressure (40-80 PSI) application while achieving the same results. To perform a successful soft wash service requires three things:
1. Specialized equipment that includes a heated mobile water tank, sprayer (electric or air operated), and telescoping handle nozzle system that can be precisely adjusted to ensure the correct pressure throughout the cleaning process as well as soft bristle brushes that can be used on more difficult areas.
2. A water-based, biodegradable disinfectant and cleaning solution that kills the mold, mildew, bacteria, algae, fungus, moss and more without damaging building surfaces.
3. A trained and licensed contractor to ensure the correct pressure and solution mixture is maintained throughout the process.
Soft wash can remove Gloeocapsa Magma (algae), which thrives in the moist climate throughout Florida and that leave the black streaks on shingles that ultimately leads to roof rot. As algae can take ten years off a roof's life, removing it via soft wash is a cost effective measure that can extend the life of your building (including roof surfaces, eaves, and upper story windows) and restore the original color without voiding any warranties or insurance options.
The AsphaltRoofing Manufacturers Association recommends (and many insurance companies in Florida require) the use of a soft wash system for cleaning asphalt and other more delicate roofs in order to prevent loosening or damage to the shingles/tiles. For jobs with sturdier surface materials, we also offer traditional power washing services. Contact us today for a free assessment!